Friday, January 21, 2011


Riding home in the car with Joe and Joey the other night from church and Joey asks, "I know that people call other people bad names, and I know not to repeat them, but what do they mean?".
I told him that it was ok to tell me what he heard and he said that a boy from swimming had called him this: F A G G O T. (He spelled it). To be honest, I was ready for much worse.
I explained to him that some people say swear words because they aren't very smart and don't have a very good vocabulary. Then I explained that the word could have a couple meanings but the kid was saying that Joey was like a girl (I didn't even want to get into the homosexual thing cause we haven't talked about s e x). I know, not correct, but it was the closest thing I could find without going down a slippery slope that I'm not ready to ride. One thing I did explain is that it is just a word. And it means nothing. It's not worth arguing, fighting, or hurt feelings.
All the while my heart is breaking for kids today. Why the need to berate someone for that? Blame the Christians all you want for doing hateful, hurtful acts in the name of Christ, but He does NOT command us to do these things. Those acts are committed because we are all human. And humans are sin-filled beings. (Which leads to a very tough question from Joey: Why did God create humans to have sin?)
SIN is SIN. Why don't they call each other thieves, murderers, slanderers, adulterers, etc? I don't understand it.
Sometimes I catch myself wondering WWJD. I know, silly, crazy, over-used WWJD. But, the funny thing is, if Christ were here right now, he'd be hanging out with the thieves, homosexuals, adulterers, murderers, etc. And not just trying to convert them. He would genuinely love them. I think that we all forget that the most important commandment is "to love one another". And as Joey says, "that means everybody".
Huh, it's funny what a 3 year old Sunday School lesson on Zacchius can do to a person. Silly song is still running through my head.....

Saturday, January 8, 2011

Random thoughts...

Ok, I'll admit it. I'm a closet Train fan. I actually downloaded "Hey Soul Sister" off iTunes. Oh and we had to get "Dynamite" too. Which I'm so sick of hearing.

Made some darn good chicken egg rolls tonight. Joey even ate one! Ant, Kara and kids came over. Ant thinks I should somehow sell my egg rolls. And make a meellion dollars. Yeh, right.

Silly me. I'm a glutton for punishment. Downloaded Angry Birds for Pc last night. You can get it from Intel AppUp. Lots of other stuff there. Freebees too. Anyway, I think that we are all addicted to Angry Birds. Even me. And I DON'T play games! We were up until 11:00 last night playing.

Olivia looks sooo much like Anthony did when he was a baby.......

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

AHA Jump Rope Prize

Here is Joey with one of the prizes that he got from the AHA Jump Rope for Heart fundraiser. Found out he raised the 2nd highest in the whole school! Thank you so much for all that donated!

Monday, May 17, 2010

Isaiah & Mason hanging out at Grandma's

Isaiah and Mason just hanging out at Grandma's and enjoying some fine Indiana springtime weather. The jeep provided some great fun and I figured out how to leave the steering wheel turned just a bit so they go in circles. I posted some pics here

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Joey Jump Ropin' for AHA

Here is some video that I took from a couple weeks ago where Joey is doing his jump roping thing for AHA. As you can see, it's amazing how much a year can make a difference. Can you believe how tall he is? Thanks so much for all that donated!

Friday, May 7, 2010

New pics posted

Had a little bit of time tonight and uploaded the pictures from the first game of the season (Isaiah's first Cubs game!). You can see them here. I've got some video to upload too so maybe this weekend.

Monday, March 29, 2010

Joey is getting ready to JUMP!!!!

It's that time of year again and Joey is doing "Jump Rope for Heart" at school. We have set up his own personal page for you to take a look at. Will you please take a moment to take a look and possibly make a donation to the American Heart Association?
You can see his personal page here.

Here is Joey jumping last year. I'll try and get some video for this year to post.
