Saturday, January 8, 2011

Random thoughts...

Ok, I'll admit it. I'm a closet Train fan. I actually downloaded "Hey Soul Sister" off iTunes. Oh and we had to get "Dynamite" too. Which I'm so sick of hearing.

Made some darn good chicken egg rolls tonight. Joey even ate one! Ant, Kara and kids came over. Ant thinks I should somehow sell my egg rolls. And make a meellion dollars. Yeh, right.

Silly me. I'm a glutton for punishment. Downloaded Angry Birds for Pc last night. You can get it from Intel AppUp. Lots of other stuff there. Freebees too. Anyway, I think that we are all addicted to Angry Birds. Even me. And I DON'T play games! We were up until 11:00 last night playing.

Olivia looks sooo much like Anthony did when he was a baby.......

1 comment:

Kris said...

Did you see the Jewish acapella Hanukkah version of Dynamite?

Sooo good. And now I can't here the original without thinking, "Spin the dreidel..." :)